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Episode 317: Kevin Dugan Does It From 2,000 Miles Away… What Excuse Do You Have?

Kevin Dugan is the Managing Principal of Altus Investment Group. He runs multiple businesses that successfully operate in Chicago while managing them remotely from Los Angeles!

Kevin starts by talking about the skills he gained working on oil rigs and as a sales engineer and how that translated to real estate! He breaks down his first flip in South Shore and the process of managing that project from Los Angeles! Kevin dives deep into the challenges of managing rentals and growing a business remotely. He emphasizes hiring good people and building a construction arm as critical pieces for a thriving REI investment company. Throughout the episode, Kevin shares his firm belief in cultivating the “Who, Not How” mentality and building a great team!

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02:37 Housing Provider Tip - Ensure your apartments are turned over to a nice condition especially on higher priced units.

04:04 Intro to our guest, Kevin Dugan!

10:04 Starting with a South Shore flip and managing it from California!

14:28 Transitioning to investments in the south suburbs.

22:04 Obtaining financing for stabilized rental properties.

27:04 The process and mindset for starting a business!

33:44 Struggles with managing rentals from out of state.

38:00 How to grow a business remotely.

47:55 One decision that Kevin would change in his trajectory.

53:54 What is your competitive advantage?

54:13 One piece of advice for new investors.

54:29 What do you do for fun?

54:43 Good book, podcast, or self development activity that you would recommend? 

55:13 Local Network Recommendation? 

56:04 How can the listeners learn more about you and provide value to you?


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Guest Name: Kevin Dugan

Guest Company: Altus Investment Group

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Other Links for show notes:

Kevin's Instagram

Eric Workman (Network Referral)

Buy Back Your Time (Book Recommendation)
